

Looks like her “photo shoot” is over. Look this girl up, her tits look like concrete. #TagYourSponsor #BookingInfoInProfile #InSpainAllAloneNoSpanish #ThankYourChaperoneForThePhoto #DoubtHeBooksHerAgain #MuchHotterChicksInSpain



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  • exposing them Hoes

    → Reply

    Haha…this ho is a known stripper in the OC and LV. Checked out her FB and she was in Spain with a known hooker and previous posted sponsorette Toochi Kash. “Birds of a feather, flock together”
    Tell us Kimmy, how did you afford this trip? Modeling MAYBE pays $200/hr for what, 2-3 hrs. Maybe 2 jobs a month equals $1000-1200. So tell us how you afford to live!

  • Frank

    → Reply

    Again I still don’t understand who would pay all this to *import* these girls from LA. They’re not that hot and as noted there are way hotter local girls. How are these girls getting booked and flown 1st class etc? What am I missing?

  • Biff

    → Reply

    Frank, it’s marketing. IG is the internet flesh show for these girls. The executive assistants for the Camel Jockeys and Asian midgets search for the “hot” chicks and then showcase them to their bosses. If they like one or two, they contact them ad contract them and ship them in to neutral locations….often in connection with business. Fucky fucky sucky sucky and pay the bitches off, and then move on to the next one. IG has been great for these girls. The downside for them is that they are all very visible to the part of the world that finds this ridiculous and often distasteful……and great theater! In the old days, you had to contact a porn star through a modeling agency in California, or physically go to the Spearmint Rhino and close the deal in person. The interne is so convenient. Times have changed, buddy.

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