

This is what 10k a night gets you. #TagYourSponsor #PayForPlay #VacationsAlwaysAlone #GymSexTravel #HowManyMuhammadMilesHaveYouRackedUp



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    → Reply

    Hm $10k looks to be too much for that. Is that really her rate? Hard to see how she commands it given her competition… Lots of other girls who seem hotter. Can’t you just get a girl for like $500k-1000k off Humaniplex who is at least this thin and probably younger? What am I missing?

  • Frank

    → Reply

    Haha Ok. If it’s gonna cost an extra $9k to take a dump on her, I’d rather save the money and use the regular toilet … Can’t possibly be worth it.

    • Freeze

      → Reply

      You’re thinking like a middle-class American. You need to think like an filthy-rich playboy, for whom $10k is nothing, and who has already plowed through enough hot “models” that he can only get off by completely degrading another person.

  • Biff

    → Reply

    See that sushi in her picture? Sometimes she IS the sushi bar with food arranged decoratively by executive chefs on her body on a table for guests to enjoy. Sometimes the Camel Jockeys want to degrade western girls by having a girl get on her knees under the table in a business meeting and BLOW all the men at the table while they are planning a new capital project. The best “party” is when she IS THE PARTY and has to service (usually with other girls in an IG harem) all the men while they are watching football on their 60″ flat screen and drinking Johnny Walker Gold. When she is done with the master of the house, she has to service the drivers and the executive chef, too. Everyone gets to use the “help”. Note that some of the Paki drivers like bareback anal, and their loyalty to the Boss is enhanced when a good looking Natayla is hired.

  • Co

    → Reply

    This is pathetic just a group of normal girls enjoying a normal holiday which you can get flights and hotels for for less than $500 dollars. This site is stupid, acting like money doesn’t make the world go round. This site just dogs anyone who has or seems to have a bit of money as if it is an exclusive thing which is not. Wake up!

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