  • #UABMostWanted

    This girl is hands down the All Star of Dubai. She has put in some serious work. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #BackSeatOfACamel #HummusBukkake #HaremWork

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  • #ItsAlltheSameThingToHer

    Must be easy for her since all three of these things refer to the same person. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #BitchYouAintDeep #HoeKayla #DontActLikeYouReadBooks #DontTellPeopleHowYouGetMoneyBecauseYouAHoe

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  • #SellThatAssSellThatAss

    That money looks really dirty. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #CleanThatCash #MoneySmellsLikeFish #WhyIsItSoGreasy

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  • #YouEarnedIt

    Those aren’t birthday gifts. You earned those with the time you put in with your sponsor. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #BendOverForRedBottoms #BangForFashion #YourFriendsDontLoveYouThatMuch

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  • #BootyOnTheHighSeas

    Anything goes once you are in international waters. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #SwallowOrSwim #SheHasToCleanHerPoopDeck

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  • #MinorLeagues

    Every hoe needs to start somewhere. There is nothing wrong with paying your dues with smaller sponsors. Hopefully she gets called up to the major leagues. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #OneDayYouWillFlyInAPrivateJet #BrunchAtTGIFridays #BallingOnABudget

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  • #SponsoredByOil

    “This is what happens when you send an arab to buy the gold, frankincense, and myrrh”. Yep, pretty much kid. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #HummusBukkakeForRedBottoms #SheHadSexInTheBackSeatOfACammel

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  • #WatermelonAss

    I can’t believe that some guys actually pay to sleep with this. This is what a botched ass implant looks like. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #GetThatFlatFixed #SomeonePutABikeInHerTrunk

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  • #HeIsBack

    Look at that Adam’s Apple. #TagYourSponsor #HotDogNoBun #UserSubmitted #MiamiTranny #TheMysteryIsWhoPaysForThis #IThinkSheUsedToBeAnAsianDude

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