Who has a dictionary around? Look up: “Miami bird” and @jenny.gjinaj’s picture will show up. For my European people, if you’re wondering what a mediocre, low budget, Miami sponsorette looks like.. Look no further. Her profile is the epitome of the typical south beach Trollop that recently graduated bottle rat academy. Flaunts in the most gaudy and uncouth way you can imagine. It’s like a kid after trick or treating wanting to eat all the candy at once. Desperately trying to show off a lifestyle with a circle she most likely will never be part of. *tears*. They expect us to believe they’re on VIP tables with $6,000+ tabs, with savvy business dudes and celebrities because they enjoy their intellect around, and expect nothing out of it. Be logical, if I’m someone making 300k + a year and I let some mediocre bird in my 100,000 car, is for a reason. So asks yourselves for the millionth time, what these girls really do for a living. I’m still waiting for one of these birds to send their w4 form in exchange for a website removal. #TagYourSponsor