

Not only have we been copied by dozens of wannabe’s. But lately they are stealing our content and jokes as well.  So for the next day we are going to do the same. #TagYourSponsor #YouOtherSitesNeedToTagYourRuler #FakeItTillYouMakeIt



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  • Nik R.

    → Reply

    Just face it, u suck. You’re not witty, you’re not clever and u sure as hell can’t write lol. I give u three months and that’s me being generous lol.

    • TagYourSponsor

      → Reply

      Have you slept with your sister yet?
      You know Kentucky (which is where you are from) is a weird place.
      How is your community college treating you ?
      Thanks for the hate. I am sorry we exposed your mother.

    • TagYourSponsor

      → Reply

      yeah most likely john is the owner of tagthesponsor.com
      we find him hilarious. Let me ask you this.. If he is the original.
      Then why did he end up with such a crappy name?
      We were the original IG account with over 25k followers before we were shut down.
      Then all these other IG accounts showed up.
      So we took the show to our own website so we couldn’t be taken down.

        • TagYourSponsor

          → Reply

          $10 special on godaddy. Just go to whois.net and see for yourself. Url was bought in Nov 27th of last year.

          Tagthesponsor.com was bought on December 30th of last year. Thats a full month later!
          So are the rest of the copycats.
          We are the original.

  • miko

    → Reply

    why be a ky hater:) maybe you’re jealous of our basketball.;) and I think the writer is pretty witty and clever with his hash tags.

  • QueenBee

    → Reply

    I knew you were the original, apparently there’s a big market for this.
    It is an interesting subject, people want to read and gossip about these kind of things.
    And someone needs to call it for that it is.

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