
I’m guessing all her sponsors must be atheist. Can you imagine being Christian/Catholic and nutting on the cross?
I’m guessing all her sponsors must be atheist. Can you imagine being Christian/Catholic and nutting on the cross?
Veteran bird here. Must be close to her 40s but still twerking, getting booked, and having floor seats at games. Must be getting sponsored by Stevie Wonder.
“Instagram model” Tiffany Buecher still hooking in her 40s. Currently based in nyc, but travels to Dubai multiple times a year. ask yourselves how does she keep funding her lifestyle? #TagYourSponsor
It’s cute @cindykilian still claiming she doesn’t sell pussy even after we exposed her. Let’s have the TagTeam ask her who finds her trips and why the tour dates on her bio?
Modeling seems to be paying off the last 2-3 years. Agencies are now paying 6 figures? Uh huh. #HowSway #INeedAnswers #WhoTakesHalfYourPicturesHuh
#LarryTheCEO must be going through a rough patch. Instead of the Monaco Grandprix like the rest of the high end #Sponsorettes, the #Sponsor decided to take his #Trollop to a lake with a house boat and an old ass 1953 jetskii. Seriously look at the jetski
Trollop on the right doing the fake hair flick, low key trying to smell her hands to see if there’s still shit under her fingernails. #ChangeYourInstagramNameTo #LittleHummusChild
Guys. Stop being so misogynistic. She has a real job. That’s how she affords the lifestyle. Rude, so judgmental. She also employed a personal photographer that’s with her everywhere duh. #SaidNoOneEver #TagYourSponsor
Estimate RT first class to Dubai 25,000USD. #HowSway #WeNeedAnswers #MohammedMustBeDesperateToShitOnSomething #WhoPaidForThis
“instagram @shenizh now blonde, fake T and A and a career as an ass model for Kanye/P4P, this early pic on the Playboy site looks more like her real Turkish roots.”