
I bet this girl cleans up in Asia, she has probably serviced every sponsor from Macau to Bangkok. #ChineseMenu #TagYourSponsor #BangingCocksInBangkok
I bet this girl cleans up in Asia, she has probably serviced every sponsor from Macau to Bangkok. #ChineseMenu #TagYourSponsor #BangingCocksInBangkok
Sweetheart lest be honest, you didn’t cop anything. You laid on your back for a few hours and your sponsor bought you some shoes. #BangForFashion #IfYouKnewWhatIDidForTheseShoes #TagYourSponsor
What’s more fun then a day trip to vegas alone? And you flew private! Tell us all more about your luxurious lifestyle. #TagYourSponsor #SheBlowsOnHisDice #BeatsThe30MinsOrLessStripHookers
This girl is a riot, we know you don’t have a real gig, why are you flashing to us the money you got laying on your back. #TagYourSponsor #GetABankAccount #GoBackToSchool
Watch out for these #BottleRats they have been known to pounce on tables in hopes of scoring a new sponsor. This girl is notorious in the NYC scene. #BuyerBeware #TagYourSponsor #ThoseWerentEvenYourBottles
Girls trip to Vegas for the Super Bowl huh? More like your sponsor needed some more cheerleaders. #TagYourSponsor #HeImportsThem #SponsoredAir #NoGuysInOurPhotos
This girl slept with a jeweler just so she could get a rolex and pretend it was a birthday gift. To be honest I don’t think she is worth more then a Casio. #ShowUsTheReceipt #BangYourForARolex #TagYourSponsor
Not sure who this girl is fooling. You are an out of work model that hasn’t done a shoot in months. How is it you can drop 20k in designer without blinking an eye? Your sponsor is good to you #TagYourSponsor #LabelWhore
This silly girl is still in college. Â But when she isn’t skipping school she is using her new boobs to travel the world. #BetterThenSpending$$OnBooks #SheInvestedInHerself #SelfWorth #TagYourSponsor
We here at TagYourSponsor want to take a second to recognize whoever this girl’s sponsor is. I definitely want to grow up to be that guy. #GreatestSponsorOfAllTime #HeCaughtAllTheFish #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted