
Too bad you probably couldn’t afford to live in Paris without a sponsor. #HowDoYourSayHoeInFrench #SacreSlut #SheSmellsLikeFomageNowThatHeIsDone #UserSubmitted
Too bad you probably couldn’t afford to live in Paris without a sponsor. #HowDoYourSayHoeInFrench #SacreSlut #SheSmellsLikeFomageNowThatHeIsDone #UserSubmitted
They sure do love importing blonds over in the middle east. #DesertGold #ShipUsYourBlonds #BlondProForHire #UserSubmitted
Other sites and accounts have copied our movement. Part of me is flattered, but the other part of me wants them to #TAGYOURSPONSOR . You didn’t even give us our props you #CopyCats. #FakeItTillYouMakeIt #BeOriginal. Shot out to the copycats www.tagthesponsors.com and all the other Instagram and Twitter accounts. You guys are just as bad as the girls
Don’t you love when girls get behind the wheel of a car that is turned off. Don’t act like its your car sweetheart. I doubt it’s even your sponsor’s, you are probably banging the valet. #TagYourSponsor #StepYourGameUp #DontBangTheHelp #UserSubmitted
Props to this girl for taking a photo with her sponsor. Next time you need to #TagYourSponsor #SuckieSuckieForTao #MeLoveMySponsorLongTime #UserSubmitted
This is basically #SocialHoeAdvertising . If you don’t have it, ask your sponsors on Instagram to give it to you. #TagYourSponsor #LookingForThatInstagramGenie #WillLayDownForTravel #UserSubmitted
We want to take a second to recognize a sponsor who doesn’t get enough credit. Thanks for giving these girls hope, we love how you turn these girls out. #TagYourSponsor #ScholarshipProgram #YouPayHerToLeave #UserSubmitted
Her sponsor imports his toys. #ThisIsWhatOilMoneyBuysYou #TagYourSponsor #DesertHoe #UserSubmitted
At least she has her priorities straight. Family always comes last when you are living the sponsored life #TagYourSponsor #StayAHoeMom #HerKidsEatAlotOfTakeout #Usersubmitted
Ladies what you see before you is the official sponsor search kit. If you order now , and hoe yourself out right away. You will have sponsors calling in no time! #SwipeRight #TagYourSponsor #SteveJobsDidntHaveThisInMind