
This girl here is a fan favorite amongst our users. She is almost always “booked” and is a favorite amongst the Sponsors in the UAE . #PlatinumStatus #TagYourSponsor #WhoTookThisPhotoAnyway
This girl here is a fan favorite amongst our users. She is almost always “booked” and is a favorite amongst the Sponsors in the UAE . #PlatinumStatus #TagYourSponsor #WhoTookThisPhotoAnyway
This whole click looks beat. I bet it only takes a trip to Golden Coral buffet to “book” these girls. #TagYourSponsor #WednesdayDayTimeShift #TurnTheLightsOff #GiveMeAnotherShot #UserSubmitted
Starting to get a lot of photos from users pointing out girls getting flown into NYC for fashion week. Talent gets depleted that week in New York so sponsors have to fly in “reserves”. This particular girl likes to pretend to use her iPhone while flying. #DumbAsRocks #TagYourSponsor #BookingInfoInProfile #SheGotCalledUpFromTheMinors #UserSubmitted
Its nice to buy yourself something after a weekend of hard work. All those #DoubleBookings and #GroupShots can be hard on a girl. Now that you deposited your money from your last “booking” you deserve to splurge on yourself. #TagYourSponsor #Journeyman #SeasonedVeteran #UserSubmitted
I wonder how long it took this girl to “work off” that Rolex. She probably had to “double” or “triple book” her weekend to get it. #TagYourSponsor #DropNeckForRolex #HerpesForHermes #UserSubmitted
Lets call it how it is, your sponsor has requested your presence. Or in your terms you have been “booked”. #TagYourSponsor #NewFlavors #OutWithTheOldInWithTheNew #UserSubmitted
Not much we can really say about this Swedish professional, other then she isn’t cheap. I would love to hear from a sponsor who has “booked” this girl for a weekend. #FanFavorite #TagYourSponsor #AllStar #SwedensLeadingScorer #UserSubmitted
This chick has like one photo of her son on Instagram and a thousand of her partying all over the world. You need to go make that kid a grilled cheese. #TagYourSponsor #TVDinners #RedFlag #UserSubmitted
Pretty sure Santana wasn’t talking about you sweetheart. Wouldn’t be surprised if she has slept with him though.#TagYourSponsor #BookingInfoInProfile #NoGuyPhotos #Professional #UserSubmitted
This girl seems to be pretty popular with our fans because this is the 2nd day she has been #UserSubmitted. It’s good to see that your sponsor is taking care of you, maybe take in some of Paris’s real sites. Not just your sponsors bedroom. #TagYourSponsor #BeenToParisNeverLeftTheHotel