
This girl is keeping the captain company on a beautiful weekend out at sea. “Out Calls” on the open sea pay double! #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #SeaHag #Scallywag
This girl is keeping the captain company on a beautiful weekend out at sea. “Out Calls” on the open sea pay double! #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #SeaHag #Scallywag
For all you sponsors out there looking for something a little exotic. This girl is a real beauty and is always being “booked” in the UAE. #OilFavorite #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #DesertOasis
This girl is keeping it real. I almost respect how blatant she is about her lifestyle. #PayForPesos #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #LookingForBookigns
This Italian “model” loves to travel the world to meet up with her sponsors. This is her between “meetings”, sounds like she was triple “booked” on this day. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #SideBitchForTheDay #AloneInAllYourPhotos
Why do girls become bottle girls? For the same reason why people get into politics. For the opportunity! We know you are young sweetheart, and you are definitely “getting it” from whoever will pay for it. #CummingUpInTheWorld #TagYourSponsor #HowManyBookingsDidItTake #UserSubmitted
This girl can barely get a sentence out without sounding like a gangster rap video. It just goes to show that different sponsors have different tastes. #RachetLevelHigh #ProjectQueen #TagYourSponsor #RapperOrNBAPlayerPleaseCallMe #UserSubmitted
This girl is always on the paper chase. You know she is well sponsored because she no longer has her “booking” info in her profile. #TagYourSponsor #DoubleBookedForTheWeekend #UserSubmitted
We love single moms and we will do everything in our power to make sure you get the support you need. Anyone looking to sponsor this beautiful lady, here is her tumbler http://mskatiemay.tumblr.com . Like she said she doesn’t have her booking info in her profile. Also just in case she takes the nudes down, here is a backup image here
We are starting to get tons of fan mail. We are also getting some feedback from the girls as well. Looks like #InEverySponsorsBlackBook isn’t happy with us. #SorryNotSorry #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted
Put your tits away honey, they are disgusting. Guys go take a look at this girl’s fake triple D boobs. This girl swears she is hot, but really she is just used and abused. #OverInflatedTire #TagYourSponsor #DisasterWaitingToHappen #UserSubmitted