
These girls are ready to put in some work. Their sponsors laid plastic down on the floors so you know something crazy is about to go down. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #BangBoat #DifferentKindOfBoatShow #3ForThePriceOf2
These girls are ready to put in some work. Their sponsors laid plastic down on the floors so you know something crazy is about to go down. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #BangBoat #DifferentKindOfBoatShow #3ForThePriceOf2
This chick is hardly worth a Sacajawea dollar, yet alone a gold bar. She needs to put down her sponsors money before he catches her and they have to chop off her hands. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #GoldShowersForGoldBars #NoPhotosOfHerPearlNecklace #SheWentBigAndGotDoubleBooked #HaremWork
This girl puts in work on the West Coast. From Las Vegas all the way down to Mexico City this girl is always getting “booked”. We love watching bottle girls make it in real life. Even if they look like they should be wrestling in the WWF. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmited #BitchRemindsMeOfChynaFromWWF #SheLooksLikeABoyWithTwiceAsManyLips
We didn’t even need to call this girl out. Her own followers already know what the score is. #TagYourSponsor #NotYourWhip #YouCantDriveStick #UserSubmitted #PayForPlay #YourSponsorIsGoingToCatchYou
You sure are working hard, we know all about the “double booking” you had today. She looks like a tranny in this photo. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #ISeeYourAdamsApple #ChicksWithPricks #PayUpSoICanPutOut #SheBangsYouNotTheOtherWayAround
I never seen a thirstier pack of wolves in my life. These hyenas look like they are ready for dinner at Olive Garden. These type of bitches put ice cubes in red wine.#TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #UglyWivesFromSopranos #HowDoYouSayUglyInItalian #BitchOnTheRightLooksLikeSnookie
This girl keeps it moving, from one sponsor to the next. Like her profile says she loves fashion, and she loves to party. That means she likes to bang old men for “red bottoms”. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #FashionWhore #FromChangToMuhammed
We keep seeing this girls with “ninja” in their IG name. As it turns out it’s code for being discrete in the bed. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #CockNinja #PayToPlay #YouPayHerToLeave
Go back and shoot what? The lobby in some vegas hotel? This girl is so delusional, only thing being shot is her face with loads from her sponsor. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #DMHerToShoot #JavelinCatcher #CockGobbler
Looks like this bottle girl is really living the life. But she has been passed around by a few different rappers. From Yeezy to Drake, this girl is a favorite amongst Hip Hop artist visiting New York. #TagYourSponsor #YeezyNeverTookMeToParis #StartedAtTheBottomNowIAmOnMyBack #UserSubmitted #RealLabelWhore