
Need a vacation? Why pay for it when you can “work” if off. All it takes is a few “bookings”. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #BangForPay #ItsNotAVacationIfYouAreWorking
Need a vacation? Why pay for it when you can “work” if off. All it takes is a few “bookings”. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #BangForPay #ItsNotAVacationIfYouAreWorking
Someone uploaded this last night and to be honest I find it very on point. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #CocaineBarbie #WhatAreWeTeachingTheseGirls
I love how this girl is taking about forbidden fruit in her profile. First off, you aren’t deep. Second, your fruit should be forbidden. It’s NASTY! #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #SoggyTaco #SpoiledFruit #FruitFlies #ChangeYourNameToJuicyPuss
Well it looks like we upset some sponsored girls. You should take a look at her photos. She likes to wear nothing under when she tries Victoria Secret on. #TagYourSponsor #ThatsNasty #LadiesYouMightGetHepCFromVictoriaSecret
She is showing all the pro athletes that all it takes is a pair of “red bottoms” to “book” her for the night. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #HookerForHockey #SheTakesPucksToTheFace
How much does it cost to be the boss’s girl for a night? A wad of money? #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #BookingInfoInBio #StacksToSeeHerRacks #PayToPlay
I love how these girls make it seem like they are jet setting because they live a privileged life. When the reality is they are nothing more then “meat” being shipped from one sponsor to another. #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #OmahaSteaks #MailOrderLove #DialAHoe
If you are wondering why there is almost always two girls in these “girls vacations”. It’s because the sponsors always pay for the friend to come along to make the girl more comfortable. Most likely she is flying to France to meet a sponsor for the first time. This is industry standard when you #PayForPlay #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #FrenchTart #HowMuchLongerTillYourFriendIsGettingBooked
This girl just did a major “photo shoot” and was “booked” for a week solid. Check out the spoils of her hard work! #TheyPayYouToLayDown #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #AlwaysBooked #AlwaysAlone #RedBottomsAreRedFlags #RealWorkingGirlsDontFlashMoney
Do you remember where and how you got these? I bet your “photo shoot” went on for hours in order for you to buy these. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #HoeActingLikeAPimp #TooManyShoesBecauseYouHaveTooManySponsors #LayDownForFashion