
Not only have we been copied by dozens of wannabe’s , but lately they are stealing our content and jokes as well. So for the next day we are going to do the same. #TagYourSponsor #YouOtherSitesNeedToTagYourRuler #FakeItTillYouMakeIt
Not only have we been copied by dozens of wannabe’s , but lately they are stealing our content and jokes as well. So for the next day we are going to do the same. #TagYourSponsor #YouOtherSitesNeedToTagYourRuler #FakeItTillYouMakeIt
Glad you are enjoying your sponsors down time. #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #SleepWithSponsorSwimWithStingrays #BukkakeTime
Too bad adventuresofpaulflores didn’t hashtag it , but it looks like the movement is catching on. #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #WalkingRedFlag #PeopleAreOnToYou #SheLovesHummus #SponsoredByMohammed
Why are you in Dubai all alone? I guess she always vacations to the Middle East by herself. #TagYourSponsor #SheGetsPaidInBarrels #PayToPlay #UserSubmitted #BangItToYouMakeIt
You only have one life to live. So make sure you are banging only the richest sponsors. She looks like the “poking holes in condoms type”. #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponors #HummusBukkake #SheDropsPantiesForOilMoney
Look who is back at it. This time she is flying off to Vegas for a “photo shoot”. We know she was probably “double” and “triple booked” since they are flying her private. Good news is here boobs are so fake she would probably survive a crash. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #FrankenTits #BiggerIsntAlwaysBetter #SheMakesMilkCowsJealous
It cool to see sponsored girls making the yearly pilgrimage to their”mecca”. Scottsdale is a sponsor’s paradise. It’s also the home of “Girls Gone Wild”. #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #GirlsGoneWildCastingCouch #PayToPlay #FlyingPrivateWithNoJob
It’s good to see sponsors getting along with other sponsors. Maybe she will be Donald Sterling’s next project. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #NoPhotosOfTheBoyfriend #WhoIsExcitedToMeetDonaldSterling #SheBetterNotHaveBlackFriends
Some girls go to college and hope to find their future husband. Others become bottle girls and hope to bag a big spender at the club. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #PrettyWomanSyndrome #ScrewItTillYouMakeIt #BJForVacay
I love how people are catching on to these girls. Here a follower is calling her out on the first comment! #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #YouArentFoolingAnyone #DontDentHisCar #BodyOfAFerrariFaceOfABuick