
Only thing she has been successful at is laying in this position. #TagYourSponsor #PayForPlay #Slutty305 #ThatFlagIsComingOutOfYourAss
Only thing she has been successful at is laying in this position. #TagYourSponsor #PayForPlay #Slutty305 #ThatFlagIsComingOutOfYourAss
Some guys will do anything for some free Chipotle. #TagYourSponsor #GuacCostExtra #GroupieHoes #ThatIsntSourCream
This hood all star is sponsored by her local pusher. Once her man gets locked up she will be onto the next dude selling weight on the block. #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #HoodRatAllStar #UpWithHopeDownWithDope
I like that you can make fun of yourself and still do what you do. You are ok in my book #TagYourSponsor #UserSubmitted #KeepingItReal #TrueLifeIAmAHoe
This girl loves feeding her “dim sum” to sponsors. You couldn’t pay me enough to get inside of that “sweet and sour”. #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #BigHoeInLittleChina #CrouchingSlutHiddenSponsor #EnterTheSlutBag
The girl on the right with the black hair is really living the life. She gets to travel and fly private for free. The girl on the left though has to bang the sponsor so the trip is paid for. Sponsors will always allow a chaperone. It doesn’t cost them anything and it puts the girls at ease.#UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #ItsGoodToHaveFriendsWhoAreHoes #WorldIsYourPlaygroundAsLongAsYouLayDown
Looks like our girl here is shooting for “Captain Stabbin” today. She gets paid double if other old dudes are watching. Triple if they film it. #UsersSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #SheGotHerSeaLegsAboveHerShoulders #HoeingOnTheHighSeas #CoastGuardGotToWatchForFree #EveryoneGotAPieceAtTheSandbar
But next time you need to hash tag it and actually show us your sponsor. Baby steps, baby steps. #UserSubmitted #YouForgotToTagYourSponsor #TagYourSponsor #3Piece #EiffelTowerTime #TimeToRunATrain
Not even a photo of keys or you pretending to drive behind the wheel? #YourSponsorsToyNotYours #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #WalkingRedFlag #PlasticRich #LiveVicariously
The girl on the left can out bench press most guys her size. She also has to tuck her schlong away like Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. Some sponsors are into weird shit. #UserSubmitted #TagYourSponsor #HotDogHoldTheKetchup #PackingHeat