
You and your girls stack money and red bottoms. You just don’t mention how. #TagYourSponsor #YouAintPuffDaddyButYouBangedHim #YourSponsorHasNiceLoanerCars #BangHimTillYouMakeIt
You and your girls stack money and red bottoms. You just don’t mention how. #TagYourSponsor #YouAintPuffDaddyButYouBangedHim #YourSponsorHasNiceLoanerCars #BangHimTillYouMakeIt
This is why you don’t see them in the photos. #TagYourSponsor #TheRealSponsors
She is usually a very dirty girl. #TagYourSponsor #ForeverUnclean #CaptainStabbin #SheTookItOnTheChinLikeAChamp
The lure has been casted into the pound. The sponsors are circling. #TagYourSponsor #RefundGap #MotorboatingSonOfABitch #GirlOnTheLeftLooksLikeMichaelJackson
The money didn’t come from your account sweetheart. #TagYourSponsor #SheHasAManFace #ItsUnderHisName #YourPowderedShakesDidntPayForThis
Looks like he flew in a very special type of candy for the holiday. #TagYourSponsor #YouAreHisCreamEgg #ChaperoneTookThePhoto #AloneInSingapore #BookedForTheHoliday
This girl is some serious “top shelf” talent. She grinds it out in the Dubai circuit and does really well for herself. #TagYourSponsor #GetThatMoneyBoo #ThinkIAmGoingToBookHer
Go together like Ketchup and Fries. This girl claims to be an “entrepreneur”. I guess all pay for play girls are. #TagYourSponsor #NothingExoticAboutHerFruit #PowerSnackBetweenBookings
If you want this slice of pie, you have to ship her “private”. Chaperone gets credit for the photo #TagYourSponsor #BusinessTrip #BookedForAShoot
Wow RuPaul looks awful. I guess chocolate is rare in the desert. #TagYourSponsor #BlackMamba #ChocolateFountain #SheUsedToPlayLBForTheLions