
This girl works both the East and West coast “circuit”. I kinda want to put my bike in her trunk. #TagYourSponsor #ShowThemWhatTheyArePayingFor #SponsorsInDifferentAreaCodes
This girl works both the East and West coast “circuit”. I kinda want to put my bike in her trunk. #TagYourSponsor #ShowThemWhatTheyArePayingFor #SponsorsInDifferentAreaCodes
I guess going to Dubai to bang Mohammed is kinda like a “holiday”. #TagYourSponsor #YouHaveHummusOnYourFace #BackSeatOfACamel #CarefulWithSandInYourVag #TheyUseGoatSkinAsCondoms
All you can eat roast beef for $5k. #TagYourSponsor #HorseMeat #ToManyGMOs #BlackGuysDream #HeAssIsLikeAWaterBed
Looks like 5 Grand is the price for a “sleep over”. #TagYourSponsor #ProudToBeAHoe #PersianRug #MagicCarpetRide
Looks like her “photo shoot” is over. Look this girl up, her tits look like concrete. #TagYourSponsor #BookingInfoInProfile #InSpainAllAloneNoSpanish #ThankYourChaperoneForThePhoto #DoubtHeBooksHerAgain #MuchHotterChicksInSpain
Looks like her followers are on to her. Maybe next time Muhammed will let her take it out of the garage. #TagYourSponsor #FakeItTillYouMakeIt #YouNeedKeysDummy #YouGetDrivenInABentleyNotDriveIt #NoClass
Someone sent this in and we really can’t hate on it all that much. She does her own amateur porn which also translates to pay for play. But all and all I respect her hustle. #TagYourSponsor #SheGetsAPass #GetThatMoneyGirl #IWouldHitIt #HowManyReasonsPerHour
This girl is closer to “JanSport” then “Versace”. #TagYourSponsor #YouTriedToKillSpiderMan #SheHauntsMeInMySleep #DontFeedHerAtNight
Notice no bags or receipts. #TagYourSponsor #LaidAndPaid #HoeEssentials #WalkingRedFlag
You ever been to a shitty strip club at 12pm on a Wednesday? This is what you get. #TagYourSponsor #SheIsADude #TrannyForHire #2ForThePriceOf1