
Once you have laid down for the finer things in life, it’s hard to stand on your own two feet. #TagYourSponsor
Once you have laid down for the finer things in life, it’s hard to stand on your own two feet. #TagYourSponsor
If you looking to sleep with someone that resembles a blow up doll, I have your girl. #TagYourSponsor #BarbieWorld #RubberVag
Everyday we get dozens of photos submitted to us. Usually photos with no account names we just throw away. But something about this photo just screams “DADDY ISSUES” to me. I decided to share it because honestly, it is too good not too. Thanks to our fans for sharing this with us. #TagYourSponsor #IHateMyDaddy #FatBurger
These girls like to pretend they are on vacation having a good time. But we all know this is a “business” trip. #TagYourSponsor #HummusEverywhere #SandBitches #CamelHoes
I love how these professionals like to pretend they are entrepreneurs. As if laying on your back and opening your legs is the same as opening a business. #TagYourSponsor #HoeThinksSheBillGates #YouAintABusinessYouAHoe
At least this girl tried to be clever about it. Sure you like tater tots sweetheart. But what were you really trying to say? #BuggerForCash #TotForHire #YouLookLikeAnExAmericanGladiator
What is wrong with this photo? She looks totally inserted into this photo. #TagYourSponsor #AdobeGameOnFleek
We hope this girl can take a punch. Because being a Mayweather Girl isn’t easy. Just ask Rhonda Rousey. #TagYourSponsor #LoserByDecision #TKO #RedBottomHoe
Hard work pays off if you are willing to lay down to get what you want. #TagYourSponsor
Anyone trying to get booked via Instagram is a #WalkingRedFlag #TagYourSponsor #ModelSometimes