
I need to borrow someone’s black card so I can make a run at this chick. #TagYourSponsor #PutThoseLipsToWork #GoldBottlesForHoeModels
I need to borrow someone’s black card so I can make a run at this chick. #TagYourSponsor #PutThoseLipsToWork #GoldBottlesForHoeModels
Are you lonely this weekend? Well we here at TagYourSponsor.com got your back. Try this little beauty on for size. She gives group rates and loves watersports. #TagYourSponsor #ContactInfoInProfile #DoubleBookings #DuckFaceForDays
Looks like we killed this girl’s instagram account. Sorry to blow up your game sweetheart. #TagYourSponsor #NotYourCar #HoesAndRedBottoms
We need more info on this girl. Our reports say she is well known on the West Coast circuit. One thing is for sure is that she is a hottie. #TagYourSponsor #HowMuchForABooking
Love how these sponsored girls love taking photos pretending to be driving. We must get 20 a week from our fans. #TagYourSponsor #HurryBeforeHeNotices #NotYourWhip
This chick is no different then buying a Cheetah or Falcon for these Arab guys out in Dubai. I am pretty sure if you kiss this girl directly on the lips they will explode and you will be covered in fat. #TagYourSponsor #YourFaceIsBloated #DeFlateGate #YouNeedToLetSomeAirOutOfThoseTires
Going to give props to this girl because she is actually hot. But I find it hilarious she mentions her “love” a million times in photos but he is never in any photos. He is just the guy sending the jet, paying the bills. #TagYourSponsor #ShowUsYourLove #IBetHeLooksLikeAladdin
Pucker up baby. Because there is only one reason why the two of us are eating pineapples. #TagYourSponsor #GoodTillTheLastDrop #FruitBukkake
This photo is almost as bad as laying on the sidewalk outside of a nightclub trying to look cool. Drunk much? #TagYourSponsor #GetItTogetherGirl #DrunkGirlsGiveItAway
Looks like this girl paid for her fame. 3.8 million followers, yet only 98 post. Either way I am about to email this girl and make her my next project. I have no problem “sponsoring” this one. #TagYourSponsor #IWantToSponsorYou #MakeTaishaMyWorld #SheCanGetIt