
She doesn’t post what she did to get there now does she? #TagYourSponsor #RugBurns #MouthWash
She doesn’t post what she did to get there now does she? #TagYourSponsor #RugBurns #MouthWash
This girl likes to romp around the Middle East getting as many humus facials as humanly possible. #TagYourSponsor #CamelJockey #HumusBukake
What kind of woman goes to Dubai alone? And then pretends to be on vacation. I think we all know the answer #TagYourSponsor #DubaiForRent
I guess this is one way to advertise your services. #TagYourSponsor #NiceGuns
Showing off the spoils of her “hard work”. Looks like she takes more then cash for her “bookings” #TagYourSponsor #FuckForFashion #CashOrOrangeBags
I wonder how much he ended up paying for her to answer her back door. #TagYourSponsor #SheWorksHardForTheMoney #BackDoorNoProblem #VenmoAndPaypalAccepted
Yeah right bitch! Because Yoga Instructors fly private? Your sponsors love you because you got that downward dog in the bag! #TagYourSponsor #HowManyYogaClassesToFlyPrivate #SheGetsBangedInHerChakras
Yeah we all work in “Marketing” *wink wink. #TagYourSponsor #SelfieStickVacation
Every now and then I like to post a story of a girl that found herself a full-time sponsor. Good on you girl. No more private DM’s and “bookings”. #TagYourSponsor #YouFoundYourSponsor #DontLetGo #NoMoreDoubleBookings #NoMoreSoloVacations
One of these girls is a chaperon who is going to be turned out for the first time. Can you guess which girl it is? #TagYourSponsor #DoYourRememberTheFirstTimeYouDidItForMoney